Remember Your Purpose

In the grand tapestry of music history, there’s a chapter that resonates deeply with those of us seeking inspiration in our own journeys. It’s the story of The Beatles, that legendary band whose rise to stardom seemed like a fairytale, but whose beginnings were marked by struggle and rejection.

Before they were hailed as icons of Beatlemania, before their records flew off the shelves and stadiums echoed with the screams of adoring fans, The Beatles were just four lads trying to make their mark. They faced empty venues, disinterested audiences, and the harsh sting of rejection from record labels. Yet, amidst these challenges, they clung to a shared vision, a dream that propelled them forward despite the odds.

One particular anecdote from their early days shines brightly as a beacon of leadership and resilience. Picture this: John Lennon, the soulful voice and guiding force of the band, rallying his comrades with a simple call and response:

John: “Where are we going, fellas?”

The Band: “To the top, Johnny!”

John: “And where’s that, fellas?”

The Band: “To the toppermost of the poppermost!”

In those moments of doubt and adversity, Lennon embodied the essence of leadership – a potent blend of motivation, compassion, and unwavering vision. They shared what Eric Jensen aptly terms a “gaudy goal,” an audacious dream to transcend boundaries and become the very best.

Reflecting on this story, I’m reminded of my own journey as a leader. Like The Beatles, we all encounter setbacks and moments of uncertainty. It’s easy to lose sight of our purpose, to succumb to the weight of despair. Yet, in those dark moments, we must summon the courage to fix our gaze upon the horizon and press onward.

I recall a pivotal moment when a wise colleague shook me from my reverie of doubt. With a gentle yet firm reminder of my purpose, she urged me to lift my head high and embrace the mantle of leadership. It was a wake-up call I sorely needed, a beacon of light cutting through the fog of self-doubt.

This wise colleague was our school secretary. She gave me a very much needed quick wake-up call when I was facing a setback and I was wearing every bit of it on my sleeve. I was walking into her office with my head hanging low and looking like a poster child for The Blues. She simply told me:

“Remember your purpose. Fix your face and go be our principal.”

It was truly a stark moment, but it was the moment I needed. I had a responsibility to not only get out of my doldrums, but I had to remember that I had others relying upon me. It is totally acceptable to pause in the moment and be human. I also needed that verbal kick in the pants to get back into my core as a leader and remember why I started the gig there in the first place. Her words energized me, and I ended up having a better rest of the day.

Later that day, I made it a point to thank our school secretary. I shared my gratitude at her sincere honesty and comfort with calling her principal out in a good way. I really needed that. I shared and I asked her to never hesitate for calling me out again. She was modest in her acceptance of my thanks. I did ask that she continue to give me that motivating push if she ever caught me slipping into the leadership blues. She smiled and gladly acquiesced to my request. It’s important to express our gratitude but to also find trusted colleagues who will take the time to motivate and help us stay focused on our purpose.

Gratitude, too, plays a crucial role in our journey. We must acknowledge those who uplift us, who lend a helping hand when the path grows rocky. In expressing our thanks, we foster a culture of support and encouragement, one where each member plays a vital role in the collective pursuit of greatness.

Leadership, I’ve come to realize, extends far beyond titles and accolades. It resides in the depths of our being, in the unwavering commitment to empower and uplift those around us. It’s a journey of self-discovery, of embracing our humanity and vulnerability, even as we strive to inspire others to reach new heights.

So, as we navigate the winding road of leadership, let us remember the lessons of The Beatles – the power of shared vision, the resilience in the face of adversity, and the importance of staying true to our purpose. Together, let us soar to the toppermost of our own poppermost, igniting the flames of inspiration in every heart we touch.

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